Requesting a refund
If you're not satisfied with what you bought or didn't mean to purchase the service then you may request a refund assuming your request falls within our guidelines. Our refund policy can be found in our terms of service here.
How do I know if I'm eligable?
You're eligable for a refund if the following applies to you:
- Your purchase was made within the last 24 hours.
- Your last payment for your recurring invoice was within the last 24 hours.
If a chargeback for the payment is open we will not provide any refunds until the chargeback has been closed.
Requesting the refund.
To start the process you'll need to open a ticket in the billing area
In the ticket you should include the following information:
- The Invoice # you want refunded. ex: Invoice #38200 or
- The service you want refunded
If your request falls into the criteria for eligability you'll receive a response in your ticket and a refund within 12-24 hours.
After a refund has been processed your service will be terminated and all the data will be deleted. Please back up all data prior to a refund request.